Keep the End in Mind

June 12, 2022
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

There are 4 things needed in a life that effectively follows Jesus:
1) Be Spirit-led
2) Be Aware of Spiritual Warfare
3) Be Clear on our Purpose (Our Eternal Calling)
4) Be conscious of Certain Uncertainty

The last bullet point will be our focus in this blog. As believers in Christ, we are called to live with the constant awareness that Jesus could come back at any moment. We’re implored by the Bible greats to “keep the end in mind” at all times.

Starting from the end. Sounds a bit like an oxymoron, but let me explain. If we have surety of victory in the end, then that puts present battles and struggles in perspective. I think it also infuses joy in our living now.

As human beings, we are obsessed with the eternal. If you don’t believe me, check out the listings at the movie theater and see how many movies focus on the end of earth/humans as we know it. We’re also obsessed with the supernatural. Again, take a look at the TV and movie
guides. We’ve been wired this way. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that “He has set eternity in our hearts”. Our Maker knows how we tick; just like the clockmaker knows how the clock ticks.

We have a longing for the eternal. I think that’s one of the reasons death can be so painful for those left behind. We want to always continue knowing our loved ones. We don’t want them to go. We want them to always be with us…eternally. For the believers, we know that it is truly
just a transitioning…passing from one realm to another.

I don’t know what your heart yearns for today. I do know that God knows your heart and He longs to fill it with good things. The Bible tells us that in the end, He will restore humanity to perfection. He will remove the brokenness of humanity as we know it. He will eradicate
sickness, pain, and death! Yes, these things are real; however, they are not lasting for those who belong to Jesus.

We believe at Oceanside that we serve a good God that longs to give good things to His children! He longs to give us a glimpse of Eternity while we are on this side of it. So be encouraged…you are not alone! We long for you to join our family as we pursue God in all His Goodness!

Watch the full message here: